This is a Manual for authors and publishers.
How to create and publish a guide? Let's try to do it step by step.
1.1. Set-up the Home Page
When you have logged-in and you are in your home page please click on the button create.
The following window "Create Page" will open:
a) Select the type of content you want to create, in our case a guide.
b) Type in the name of the guide in the Title space (no worries, you can change it afterwards)
c) And then click on
And, voilà, you have created your guide. Now let us add images and other items to the Cover Page of the guide
1.2 Add content to the Cover page
Now you need to confirm the set-up of the guide and the cover page (saves and closes the page) or just
(just saves the page).
Prior to that you can also start adding content to it (or choose to do so later) and even change the title.
a) The title of your guide appears on the top of the Page and in the Title case. You can still change it here.
b) This is where you add your cover image: we will get to this later under the chapter dedicated to the images. Note that the cover page will form the background of your guide and you may need to experiment a little to make sure that it fits well with the Index and other contents that you will add to the cover page. Also note that the cover image will need to have a certain resolution (???) in order to be optimized for the different screens on which your guide will be visible.
c) This is the content section, from where you can start creating itineraries and other types of pages. By clicking you will open a new type of page (make sure you save the current page before doing so).
d) This is the place where you can add a logo. Just click on the logo bar and follow thew instructions. The logo will appear centered on the top bar and on the lateral menu.
e) Here you can save and view your cover (or home) page or simply just save the work you have done so far (and preview or even cancel it).
Once you have created a guide, you can insert one or more itineraries (walks or however you want to name them.)
On the Home/Cover Page click on the type of content that you want to create. The following window will open:
Make sure you check and highlight the "Itinerary" box and click on .
Please follow the same procedure: a) click on create; b) choose "Itinerary"; c) add a title; and d) click on the button .
Once you have created this page you will get the following window:
You only need to follow the following steps:
a) a temporary title of the itinerary appears at the top of the screen. Change the title in the appropriate box.
b) several tabs appear here: Content, to add text and images; Plan, in case you have a specially designed plan for this itinerary, e.g. in a museum or a cemetery; Practical Information, which is self-explanatory; and Settings, where you can choose the colour-scheme of this particular itinerary. Later-on we will look at these functionalities more in detail.
c) here you can add one or more images for the itinerary. Note, if you leave it blank no head image will appear at the top of the index page of the itinerary.
d) by clicking on the button you will start creating the steps (or chapters) of this itinerary. Before doing that, please save this page.
e) [optional] this is where eventually some content may be added which will appear on top of the index, under the title.
f) as always, by clicking on you will save your work and view the page as it will appear to the reader (mostly).
That's all, your itinerary is ready: you can proceed with creating single steps (stages) of your itinerary.
When you are positioned in the home page of the itinerary, you can start adding your steps (or chapters) to it by clicking on the button. The following window will open:
To create a new step:
a) Make sure that the box step is selected and highlight in grey.
b) Insert the title of the step in the appropriate box
c) check that the step is attached to the itinerary (in the example Itinerary 1)
d) Click on the button to finalise the process.
If you et this result:
but you prefer this:
Then enter the editor of the gallery
Click on "Source" and you will get this text field
You need to insert these parameters :
||style="object-position:0 20%"
So the complete line will be:
[[Aurelia in New York City, 2021>>image:attach:USA-20210826-_DSC3647.jpg||alt="Aurelia Ca' Zorzi" style="object-position:0 20%"]]
Where the first number refers to the position relative to the left and the second (in our case 20%) to the position from the top border.
5.2 Create a step
Procede like under chapter 3. "How to create a step".
5.3 Add a designed plan/map
1) In the menu accessible via the three vertical points, choose "Attachments".
2) Click on "Browse" and select your jpeg or png file
3) Confirm upload and close the Attachment Page once the file is uploaded
4) On the Page/Step select under the Edit menu the entry "Objects"
5) Add an entry to Objects of type XWiki.Map.Plan.PlanClass by clicking on "New Map.Plan.PlanClass object"
6) Upload an image and enter the XY size in pixels
7) Save and view. Your plan is set.
Now you need to add the points of interest with their pins. We are describing this in the next sub-sections.
5.4 Create Points of Interest (POI)
(Note: there are three ways to initiate the process)
A. Directly create an entry
1) The simplest one: on the Page/Step click on Create
you will arrive on the following page where you have to choose the type "Point" which will be highlighted in grey
2) Type the name of the POI under "Title"
3) Click on the blue button "Create"
4) Now a Page with the image of the plan/map will appear with the single pin of the POI shown.
5) Move your pin to desired place and click on Save or Save and View.
B. Indirect approach via the "Children" repository:
1) while on the Page/Step, click on the Menu (3 vertical points) and choose "Children"
Note: if you have already created at least one POI you will also be able to open the children page by clicking on the "+" at the end of the list:
2) You will arrive on this type of page (empty if it is the first entry):
3) Now click on "+Create" and you will land on the same page as in process A.1. From there follow the same steps.
5.5 Add the name of the POI to the text area.
1) The title of the point does not appear automatically in the text area of the Page/Step
2) Edit the Page/Step and click on "Source"
3) Copy paste the following text {{mapModalButton label="Stefano Santoro, aka Mc Nenja - La strada" focus="13" icon="map-marker" numbering="numeric"/}} and replace the title and number (both with strike-through here) with the correct title and number. Add a space after the code.
5.6 Move an existing Pin on the Map/Plan
1) Go to the Page/Step and click edit
2) View the list of points at the end of the page
3) Click on the pin you want to move. The following screen with the specific pin will appear.
4) Move th pin to the new location. Save and View.